The Oyster Academy - Support Recepients
Our CIC fills a gap where small projects and operators can get FOC consultancy and support via the surplus profits from our Masterclasses & Ostrelier training. Book us to help oyster culture grow and flourish and support the industry.
Shaun Krijnen - Menai Oysters & Dr Anaëlle Lemasson at the Plymouth University Laboratory
Test Samples from the Lab
PhD : "Ocean acidification and warming impacts on native and non-native shellfish:A multidisciplinary assessment"
"I met Katy about three years ago through my PhD research on oysters and climate change. Katy generously lent her time, enthusiasm and natural scientific incline to my research, and helped set up a collaborative project between scientists, shellfish growers, and seafood chefs, investigating the changes in sensory eating profile of oysters under climate change.
Her expertise, skills, and natural ability to communicate scientific concepts to a wide range of audience were invaluable assets to this endeavor. Katy was therefore central to the success of this project! More collaborations like this one should be encouraged."
Dr. Anaëlle Lemasson - Conservation Evidence Post-Doctoral Research Associate (Joint Nature Conservation Committee, jointly with The University of Cambridge)
Output from the collaboration can be seen here:
Reference: Lemasson, A. J., Kuri, V., Hall-Spencer, J. M., Fletcher, S., Moate, R., & Knights, A. M. (2017). Sensory Qualities of Oysters Unaltered by a Short Exposure to Combined Elevated pCO2 and Temperature. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 352.
MA Product Design - Systems Design - Royal College of Art, London.
‘Katy, Thanks to your help from The Oyster Academy, I have successfully passed my exam! Your valuable knowledge on the Oyster industry gave me all the material I need to develop a relevant system, also helped me defend my design approach during the Q&A sessions in the final exam. I have decided to develop a shell collection service for the UK context, something that the Oyster restoration system is most needed. The service is in the form equipped with a vehicle functioning both as oyster shell collection service and oyster bar food truck. Collecting shells and educating the public at the same time.’
Ting Yu Lium -Masters Student, Royal College of Art, London